Wednesday May 15, 2013. Day 2


Vancouver to Mission

We said farewell to Chris, Maritia, Steve, Jade and Rhys after coffee together at Terra Breads. We followed bikeways which took us up to Burnaby Mountain, then on to the Barnet, then Lougheed Highway, which we will take all the way to Hope. We passed through Port Moody which was for a short time the terminus of the CPR but was eclipsed when a line was built into Vancouver. In Maple Ridge, we visited the oldest church in BC (1859). Then we followed the Fraser River and the aroma of newly milled lumber to Mission, arriving on the territory of the Stó:lõ First Nation. The Mission Spring IPA went down well!

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2 thoughts on “Wednesday May 15, 2013. Day 2”

  1. Wow Lois and Paul!! I’m so deeply impressed! Lois you’ve always been my idol, now more than ever. Looking forward to your Ottawa area visit. Safe trails and a soft seat. Hugs!

  2. Fabulous first day. St.John the Devine was were we held my mom’s memorial service, chosen because it was almost identical to the church of her childhood in Missinabie. We know the Mission Springs well, had lots of Sunday Brunches there. Did you get to Harrison Lake?
    So in awe of this trip! Stay well an wishing you absolutely no sore muscles!

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