Friday May 17, 2013. Day 4


 Hope to Manning Park

It was a tough, long day. Up to the Hope Slide was brutal, 20 kms, with the last 6 at an incline of 7%. After a valley we then climbed up to Allison Pass. The hard shoulders were minimal, if there at all, and half way it started to rain. With that and a temperature of 3 degrees C at the top, it was not much fun. We got lots of praise and encouragement from all those whom we met which helped, and we did see a bear, munching close to roadside. After taking a few photos, Paul pedalled away with the bear spray, leaving Lois standing between her bike and the animal!

We stayed on the traditional territory of the Okanagan First Nations.



One thought on “Friday May 17, 2013. Day 4”

  1. So proud of you guys for making it through such a tough day and getting right back at it the next day!! Love this photo of Mom…the face says it all.

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