Sunday June 2, 2013. Day 17

Edson to Entwhistle

Our coffee stop was Tim Horton’s this morning, which will amuse some who know we are espresso snobs. However, Timmy’s surprised us, as the espresso was not bad at all! The server was bemused, though, when we didn’t want any coffee with the shot of espresso!
The ride was fairly easy again, with few hills, and the same wide shoulder. The Yellowhead is divided from Hinton, so we only get half the traffic. We are still in boreal forest and muskeg country, but with more ranches, including one for bison. It rained on and off, but no thunder storms, thank goodness, though the threat of one led us to shorten our cycle today, meaning another 90+ kms into Edmonton tomorrow. (Thunder storms are forecast again for tomorrow.)
We checked into a (rather sketchy) motel in Entwhistle and went in search of milkshakes. We discovered that Sammy’s restaurant makes a very good one with fresh strawberries.
The name Entwhistle, like Edson, is connected to the railway. (Edson was first named Heatherwood, but was changed around 1911 in honour of the vp of Grand Trunk Pacific Railway – pity!).

Wildlife sightings: White-tailed Deer

We remain on the traditional territory of the First Nations of Treaty 6

3 thoughts on “Sunday June 2, 2013. Day 17”

  1. Wow…..Tim Horton’s!!! Amazing where desperation will lead you!! 🙂 I hope your motel isn’t too sketchy!!! I am sure Roland Fitzwilliam feels right at home in Entwhistle!!!

  2. Wow, you are over the mountains! Minds of endurance and bodies of steel. Have loved reading your blog. While you were expending energy, we were cruising to Alaska. Had a wonderful trip with total sunshine and fabulous vistas. I leave for 10 days kayaking tomorrow. I know you will soon be off the bikes for a break. Enjoy!
    Big hugs, Isy

  3. I too was amazed at Tim Horton’s, will things get better for expresso on the prairies?
    Keep pedalling, full of admiration!

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