Friday June 14, 2013. Day 19

Edmonton to Vegreville

Somewhat disconcerted by the tornado warning for Edmonton of the previous day (it did touch down at Pigeon Lake), we arrived back in the city yesterday and picked up our bikes from Velocity Cycle. We spent another enjoyable evening with Maureen and Bev, dining at the High Level Diner (thanks, Vanita, for the recommendation!), where the Thursday special was Ukranian cabbage rolls, perogis and borscht – delicious!

Our departure from the Alberta capital was no easier than our entry had been, as we tried to follow bike-friendly routes, complicated by the same numbering of streets and avenues, and avoid the numerous potholes on Edmonton streets. We eventually found ourselves back on the Yellowhead and it was mercifully FLAT, with the bonus of a strong tailwind. We virtually flew to Vegreville on our newly-serviced bikes! Despite the risk of thunderstorms and the presence of dark clouds in all directions, we had a dry and mostly sunny ride and it felt good to be back in the saddle. We passed through Elk Island National Park, but neither elk nor island were visible from the road.

Note: Given the intense relationship we are developing with our respective bicycles, we have decided to give them names. Lois’ bike is called Starfish, after a little silver starfish milagro from Isy (and because Jade would like the name!), or Stella Maris, so as to sound less  New Age.  Paul’s bike is named Roland Nathaniel Fitzwilliam (well, just because).

Wildlife notes: Swainson’s Hawks, Black Terns, Yellow-headed Blackbirds, Franklin’s Gulls.

We remain on the traditional territory of the First Nations of Treaty 6. We could find no reference to First Nations on any website related to Vegreville.


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