Marmora to Perth
Breakfast was more Rui Pereira creations, starting with freshly-baked croissants, with spaghetti squash marmalade (very good!) and tomato jam (surprisingly good, as well) and banana muffins, followed by cheese and vegetable omelettes, toast and espresso/latte. Mr. Pereira helped us get our bikes out of the garage, chatted for a while about Portugal and Fado music and waved us off.
We had intended to stay in Sharbot Lake, but all accomodation was booked up for the Blue Skies Music Festival in nearby Clarendon Station, so we decided to cycle directly to Perth. We learnt that in the same part of Ontario this weekend there is the Boots and Hearts Musical Festival at Mossport and also the Flinton Country Bluegrass Jamboree; lots of action!
The ride was again uneventful as we cycled on the #7 through Hastings, Lennox and Addington, Frontenac and Lanark Counties. While the shoulder varied from between 10cm to 50cm, it was in good condition, the traffic was steady but not heavy, and we had a tailwind. We stopped for fries and caesar salad at the chip wagon in Kaladar.
Unfortunately there are still long stretches without “facilities”. Today Lois walked into the grass at side of the road only to leap out again as she saw a garter snake. Paul accompanied her into the bush on this occasion, at her insistence.
We are staying in Perth for two nights. It is slightly disorientating to be eating at a restaurant that we visited while we lived in Ottawa.
The closest First Nations community is the Ardoch Algonquin First Nation. It is worth looking at their history as yet another example of exploitation and dispossession. Although the land is the traditional territory of the First Nations of the Upper Canada Treaties Area 1, the Ardoch First Nation is non-status.

Have just caught up again after a busy week with visitors for a few days. Still enjoying reading about your trip, keep up the good work. Marius and Helen looking forward to joining you soon – presumably they are now on their way to the meet up. x
How lovely to hear from you and how kind of you to send that photo. I think about you both more often than you would possibly guess from my sporadic communication, which in no way reflects the affection & esteem in which I hold you.
It has been lovely to read about your trip. I will continue to catch up with you.
May the sun shine upon you and the wind be at your backs. I will leave out the bit about the rain being soft upon your face!
Much love from Moira x x ( Bill too)
Thanks, Moira. Great to hear from you, too! xox
Enjoy Perth and Ottawa! Sorry that I’ll be missing you there, and here on the east coast. Drive safe and have fun!
Sorry we missed you! Hope you’re having a wonderful holiday! xox