Yachats to Florence (50km)
The Drift Inn Restaurant last night and the Green Salmon, for espresso and breakfast this morning, were as good as we remembered from our visits there with Maritia, Steve and Jade, who were vacationing in Yachats, in October 2011. At breakfast, we chatted with a young man, Evan, who cycles, works in the bike shop in Newport and is a classical double bassist.
It was fun to revisit some familiar sites, as we made our way south, although low tide was not a good time to view Devil’s Churn and the Spouting Horn at Cook’s Chasm. A low mist hugged the coast all morning, requiring us to put on our front lights as we negotiated the narrow or non-existent shoulder on the winding hilly 101.
We caught our first close look at the Oregon dunes when we cycled into the Siuslaw National Forest, Sutton campground, for lunch.
Wildlife notes: 20+ sea lions basking on the rocks.
We remain on the traditional territory of the peoples of the The Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw.