Thursday May 23, 2013. Day 9

     Vernon to Kamlooops

Note: the time on the map is cycling time and does not include stops. Today’s trip was about 10 hours. Also the total distance today was actually slightly longer according to the road signs!

We changed plans and headed to Kamloops rather than Blind Bay on the advice of Percy-Anne and Jeri (thankyou!), who said the Blind Bay-Barriere route we had planned  was very  hilly. After coffee at the Bean Scene and  some debate (!), we took the quieter  Old Kamloops Rd out of Vernon which joined the 97 after 11 kms. The 97 did  redeem itself as the traffic was lighter and there was a good hard shoulder for the whole way. The rain held off and as we got closer to Kamloops, the skies cleared. We had lunch at the pub in Falkland,  which is not only the home of one of the biggest rodeos in Canada but also to one of the largest Canadian flags.

We realised we must be getting fitter when we were pleased to note we had only 40 km to go, after already putting in 75! We cycled into Kamloops on the Trans-Canada west, probably the only time on this trip that we would cycle into the sunset!

#1: it is possible to buy 268 acres of land in the upper Salmon River valley for the same price as a 1000sf condo in the Olympic Village in Vancouver.
#2: has the cost of forest fires caused by casually tossed cigarette butts been included in the calculation of the burden of tobacco on society?

We are staying on the traditional territory of the Secwepemc Nation.


One thought on “Thursday May 23, 2013. Day 9”

  1. Pleased to hear (1) you are getting fitter! and that (2) you enjoyed the trip via Falkland. we were at the rodeo last weekend and I was reminded of how pictureque that route is. hope it warms up soon. Be safe. Hugs P.A.

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