Sunday May 26, 2013. Day off.

We’re staying in a “Victorian”-themed modern bungalow B&B. We were warned to look out for the bear that regularly wanders through the garden, but the only wildlife we have spotted so far is the owner’s Yorkshire Terrier, Milo.
With laundry and bike maintenance completed, we spent much of the day in a German bakery, catching up on news and emails, and we also visited the informative visitor’s centre. Clearwater is the gateway to Wells Gray Provincial Park. We would have liked to visit the park and view Helmcken Falls, but were not prepared to cycle the additional kilometers required. We will leave that for another time.
We caught up with Maritia, Steve, Jade and Rhys on FaceTime and were able to watch J and R on their new swing set and see Jade riding her new bike.
Maritia asked if we are having fun, which may not be all that evident in our daily preoccupations with weather, traffic, shoulders and elevation! We are indeed having fun. We love being outdoors, we love the Canadian countryside and we like being on our bikes. We expect that once our bodies become stronger and we get the “fit” of our bikes more finely tuned, we will enjoy it even more. Even the damp weather has had its benefits as the scent of wild roses has accompanied us all along the highway.

Dutch Lake, Clearwater

2 thoughts on “Sunday May 26, 2013. Day off.”

  1. Well I am certainly delighted to hear that you are having fun, as I too am enjoying following your arduous adventure in the comfort of my lazy-boy recliner!!!! 🙂

  2. Hi Lois and Paul,
    I hope I was not being too forward in requesting your blogsite. Wow! This is a huge undertaking. How did you prepare yourselves?
    From what I’ve read, you seem to be enjoying your ride. We truly live in a fascinating and beautiful country. I see you’re staying well away from the “tar sands”.
    I will be enjoying your ride from my armchair and from my many trail rides I hope to do on my bicycle this summer (in the PG area). Bon Voyage, Bike Safe!

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