Wednesday July 3, 2013. Day 33

Winnipeg to nr Whitemouth

We checked out Stella’s Bakery yesterday and were there again this morning for 7:00 opening. After a good breakfast and fuelled with espresso and latte, we headed out of Winnipeg, crossing the Red River Floodway, which last protected the city in 2009.
We avoided the TransCanada, as we were told at Manitoba Tourism that after about 20km there was no hard shoulder before the Ontario border. Highway 15, just north of #1 was a good alternative. Even though it also had no hard shoulder, it was relatively quiet once we were out of the city. The wind was behind us but it was very hot – mid 30s, with little access to shade along the road.
We crossed the longitudinal centre of Canada, twice! There seems to be some dispute as to the exact measurement so we recorded both. This does not mean that we are half way through our trip though.
En route, we talked to Maritia and then were surprised by a video call from Chris and Shinyoung, while we were resting in some shade by the roadside.
We stopped in Elma at the Spicy Radish for homemade iced tea and a milk shake and ordered homemade veggie burgers, yam fries and pecan pie to take to our lodgings.
We are staying in Moon Gate B&B, an idyllic spot a few kms off the highway, right beside the Whitemouth river. We considered going for a cooling swim in the river, but fatigue defeated us. We plan to set off even earlier tomorrow, to get some kilometres in before the temperature soars again.

Flora Notes: Showy Lady’s Slipper, Wood Lily

We are now in the traditional territory of the Treaty 3 First Nations. Highway 15 passed by the Metis community of St Rita.

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