Our day was dominated by the seascape including the magnificent stacks. We even took our fish and chips from the Crazy Norwegian’s down to the beach. On a long walk along the sands, we saw Grey Whales spouting not far from the shore. We continued to spy them into the evening from our motel overlooking the port and while walking back and forth to Griff’s (Lois couldn’t resist the Cioppino again). Happily, our route will hug the coast for the next few days, so we don’t need to feel too sad about moving on. We were delighted to have FaceTime today with Maritia, Steve, Jade and Rhys and to follow along with the munchkins on their bike ride down the block.
As our previous posts have noted, the indigenous peoples of much of the central and south Oregon coast were removed to a reservation on the Siletz River. It was not until today, when reading a plaque outside the visitors centre here, that we realized how brutal the displacements were.