Thursday July 24, 2014. Day 18

Trinidad to Eureka (45km)

This morning the sun came out and the wind was blowing from the North West. It was a chilly 8 degrees C when we started but the early light was wonderful and again we had stunning views of the cliffs and seashore. In the afternoon our route into Eureka was along Arcata Bay where we were buffeted by very strong warm gusty winds.

The town of Eureka has a rejuvenated downtown with some impressive early 20C buildings and imposing houses.

We are on the traditional territory of the Wiyot People. The website does not tell the awful story of their near decimation in 1860.

Trinidad - authentic fog bell, replica of the lighthouse
Trinidad – authentic fog bell, replica of the lighthouse
Trinidad Bay
Trinidad Bay
The Carson Mansion - Eureka
The Carson Mansion – Eureka

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