San Francisco to Half Moon Bay (56km)
Blue Bottle espresso was worth yet another lineup this morning and is on a par with Moja coffee from Terra Breads.
Leaving SF was easier than expected, with the help of our trusty Garmin. Fortunately, it did not involve any steep hills (those came later in the day). We cycled for a long time through Golden Gate Park, which led us back to the foggy Pacific Ocean.
Approaching Devil’s Slide after Pacifica on Highway 1, we were just about to go through a new tunnel, when a cyclist came along behind and advised us to follow the old road, which has been rejuvinated as a non-motorized two lane bicyle route and a seperate pedestrian path. If only this could be done elsewhere…
Before we checked into our motel, we went on Treasure Hunt #1! Our creative nephew, Marius, who was in SF for work a few weeks ago, hid 4 gifts for us along the route. Following his typically thorough instructions, we soon located treasure #1 in a hollow log on Francis beach! (See photo below) (We are keeping a video log)
We are on the traditional territory of the Costanoan Rumsen Ohlone People They were enslaved by the Spaniards and then fled south to avoid state supported persecution by settlers. Their tribal offices are in Pomono near Los Angeles.