Miranda to Leggett (64km)
Each day has it’s particular challenges and today it was the heat. The Garmin showed 43C at one point!
After we left the Avenue of the Giants, the road climbed and climbed, the trees became fewer and the temperature soared. We had lunch amongst the Redwoods of Richardson State Park, which was a welcome relief. Campers were keeping cool floating in the river.
It was even hotter in the afternoon and we were out on the open highway, with rare opportunities to find shade. It was a struggle to stay hydrated and keep from overheating. The beautiful countryside, which resembled the southern interior of BC at times. was a bit of a blur.
Arriving at our motel, the proprietor came out to greet us, admonishing us for choosing the hottest day of the year!
We remain on the traditional territory of the Sinkyone People.