Leggett to Westport (47km)
The Leggett hill is “much maligned”, according to the authors of Bicycling the Pacific Coast. To avoid the heat, and still a little traumatized by yesterday’s scorcher, we started early for the climb. It is steep and long, but the road winds and is amongst the trees, so it was actually easier than yesterday’s ride. We enjoyed the long descent, especially with relatively light Sunday traffic. Before we saw the sea again, another, less maligned, but actually steeper, hill intervened. We found Westport shrouded in mist and the sun was “trying”(quaint English terminology) to come out, but, at the time of this writing (4:30 pm) had not yet succeeded.
We are staying in the lovely restored Westport Hotel (1890). The Abalone Pub and restaurant are currently closed, but the chef has kindly agreed to cook us a meal tonight. Morning begins with pre-breakfast coffee and scones delivered to our door.
We are on the traditional territory of the Yuki People. The Round Valley Tribes include the Yuki and many other Peoples.