Monday July 28, 2014. Day 22

Westport to Mendocino (44km)

This route is stunning – rugged headlands, crashing surf, the heady scent of pine and eucalyptus – but, (like the hike up Ometepe,) definitely not for the “faint of heart”. It is not just the gazillion hills, which make the trip more physically challenging than last year, but the narrow, winding, hilly, and often shoulderless highways (in this case, the #1 – which is actually part of the Pacific Coast Cycle Route (California)) which strike terror in our hearts and makes the TCH seem like a piece of cake!

After a stressful morning, during which Lois had to literally hit the ditch to allow a large and menacing semi to pass (which then trailed Paul up the hill), and being yelled at by a woman our age driving a sedan, we slinked into Fort Bragg for an extended lunch. With nerves calmed, we returned to the #1, which, mercifully, was flatter and had a shoulder, taking us to the vacation destination and artist colony of Mendocino. We have a day off tomorrow.

We are on the traditional territory of the Northern Pomo People

Near Westport
Near Westport

Mackerricher State Park
Mackerricher State Park

3 thoughts on “Monday July 28, 2014. Day 22”

  1. THANK GOD you are taking the day off tomorrow!! I start to tremble every time I read your blog. Not only will you have quads and butts of solid steel, but certainly nerves of steel. Your mortal followers are in awe!! Stay safe!! XOXOXOXOXOXO

    1. Thanks! We’re a little bit anxious about similar conditions for tomorrow’s ride! Btw, smelly pig trucks have been replaced by equally smelly (though more fitting) fish trucks! xox

  2. Aww……yes……smelly scary pig trucks. Those were the days. Me conjugating Italian verbs and you quoting Bilbo Baggins!!

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