Salamanca to Alaejos – 55km
Today’s quick ride was uneventful, with no rain on the plains in Spain and a helpful, if chilly, tailwind. Of note were two sightings of Hoopoes.
Our stop at the town of Alaejos was chosen because it is halfway to Valladolid, but we soon discovered it has an interesting history, related in part to an uprising of communeros in 1520.
Another fact, of more relevance to our cycle trip, is that Alaejos is the Antipodes of Wellington, New Zealand! (We knew northern Spain was important for this purpose) According to established rules (Guidelines for Human Powered Circumnavigation) a true circumnavigation of the earth must
- Start and finish at the same point, traveling in one general direction
- Reach two antipodes (Two diametrically opposite places on Earth).

I can well imagine that at the end of a tiring day, having to compose an interesting blog can be rather daunting. But remember that you have a large audience anxious to hear of your amazing adventure from the previous day!! As Ronald mentioned in your last post, we do live vicariously through your travels! We feel the aches in your muscles after mastering that one last climb! We relate to the hunger fueled annoyance of restaurants not opening until 8:30, and we delight in your descriptions of the everyday and the extraordinary!! We are some of your biggest cheerleaders!! Keep grabbing life by the handlebars!!!!!
Awww ❤❤❤?